Digital collection Kosmopolis provides full text access to 14 literary periodicals that were published in Greece, and in other areas with Greek population, from 1834 until 1930.

The development of the collection is the main output of the action "Digitization and digital disposal of Greek Literary Periodicals’ content", which took place within the framework of project project Teleplaessa: Provision of electronic services to the academic community by the Library and Information Center (LIC) of the University of Patras. The initiative and academic responsibility for the development of Kosmopolis belong to Athina Georganta (Associate Professor at the Department of Philology) and Maria Rota (teaching staff at the Department of Philology). The action was realized by LIC in collaboration with the Department of Philology (Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies section), the Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive (ELIA) and the Municipal Library of Patras.

The collection includes the following titles: Poikilē Stoa (1881-1914), Euterpē (1847-1855), Chryssalis (1863-1866), Ionios Anthologia (1834-1835), Apothēkē tōn Ōfelimōn Gnōseōn (1837-1844), Apothēkē tōn Ōfelimōn & Terpnōn Gnōseōn (1847-1849), Nea Zōē (904-1927), Grammata (1911-1921), Alexandrinē Technē (1926-1930), Argō (1923-1927), Ēmerologio Skokou (1886-1918), Iōnikē Melissa (1850-1852), Mē Chanesai (1880-1883), Noumas (1903-1931)